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Run an archive node

This guide will explain you how to install and setup an archive node on Ubuntu 24.04 through the node installer. This installer will set up Rusk as a service on your server, preconfigure parts of the node, and provide a couple of helper scripts.

Install Rusk with the archive feature enabled by pasting the following command in your server terminal:

Terminal window
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSfL | sudo bash -s -- --feature archive

This will install an archive node with the network being set to mainnet.

Configure Rusk

You now should have successfully installed Rusk.

A quick check with:

Terminal window
ruskquery version

Should tell you, that you are running the latest installer version.

Start your node

If you’ve configured everything correctly, you can now start rusk:

Terminal window
service rusk start

Your node will now start syncing. You can check if it indeed is by running:

Terminal window
ruskquery block-height

It is best to wait until your node is synced up. You can find the latest block height on the block explorer. Alternatively, consider fast-syncing for a quicker method.

Enable http

If you want to serve archive data to the outside world, your node needs to enable the http capabilities. This can be done by adding

listen = true
listen_address = ''

To your rusk.toml file in your system’s /opt/dusk/conf folder. That’s it.

Now you can query the archive for data with an external client application.

Test archive endpoint

You can check which graphQL endpoints are available by calling the endpoint with an empty query:

Terminal window
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST -d "" https://yournodeIPorDomain.example

This should now return a different list than a normal node returns. An example endpoint that is now available is the checkBlock endpoint, which returns true or false whether a block height matches a specific block hash, which can also be queried only for finalized blocks.

In order to test this endpoint, you can run the following command.

Terminal window
curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-X POST -d "query { checkBlock(height: 1, hash: \"abc\", onlyFinalized: true) }" https://yournodeIPorDomain.example

which should return {"checkBlock":false}

Stake with archive node

It is possible to stake and participate in consensus while the archive node is running. This is usually not recommended, but is possible since the archive is built on top of a normal provisioner node and therefore has all the capabilities to do so.

You can read the node wallet guide for a step-by-step instruction on setting up the wallet, depending on if you want the archive node to participate in consensus too or not.