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Getting Started


This page explains what dependencies you need to have installed on your computer to start writing smart contracts in Rust.


To start writing contracts in Rust we need installed Rust 1.71 nightly or higher.


After having installed Rust, you can switch to the nightly toolchain. Rusk makes use of the nightly toolchain, which can be installed with:

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup default nightly


If you are new to Rust, you may wonder what are the most appropriate setups and IDEs.

Here you can find some information about the three popular setups: RustRover, VSCode with Rust Analyzer and Vim with Rust Analyzer.

VSCode + Rust Analyzer

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a widely-used code editor, on top of which extensions can be added. Rust Analyzer is an extension that significantly enhances Rust development within VSCode.


RustRover is an IDE from JetBrains tailored specifically for Rust development. It builds on the IntelliJ platform, providing an environment to streamline and enhance the Rust development process.

Vim + Rust Analyzer

Vim is a highly configurable text editor known for its efficiency and speed, which can be also paired with Rust Analyzer.