Citadel SDK
Moat (a.k.a. the Citadel SDK) is a Software Development Kit allowing developers to implement SSI solutions using Citadel and the Dusk Blockchain. In the next subsections we explain how to use it.
You can find the complete API here, and a complete example using such API here.
Moat requires a reachable Rusk node installed and running, or selecting a trusted one. You can set up a node as explained here. It also requires an installed wallet connected to the given Rusk node, as explained here.
Using the CLI
To use the CLI, you first need to clone the following repository:
git clone moat
Now, specify the Rusk node address in moat-cli/config.toml
. Then, you can execute the CLI for any of the involved parties, as follows.
cargo r --release --bin moat-cli-user -- --wallet-pass <PASSWORD>
License Provider
cargo r --release --bin moat-cli-lp -- --wallet-pass <PASSWORD>
Service Provider
cargo r --release --bin moat-cli-sp -- --wallet-pass <PASSWORD>
Import the Required Modules
To use Moat, you need the zk-citadel-moat
Rust crate, available here. In order to use it, you are required to add it as a dependency in your Cargo.toml
and to use the following modules in your code.
use dusk_jubjub::JubJubScalar;use rand::rngs::OsRng;
use zk_citadel_moat::api::{Error, MoatContext, MoatCore};
Create a Moat Context
The first thing to do to use the different options given by Moat, is to specify some settings by means of a Moat Context, as follows.
// Specify a configuration file path to connect to the Blockchainlet config_path = "./config.toml";
// Specify a wallet file path and its encryption passwordlet wallet_path = concat!(env!("HOME"), "/.dusk/rusk-wallet/wallet.dat");let wallet_password = "password";
// Specify the gas configuration for the transactionslet gas_limit = 500000000;let gas_price = 1;
// Build a configuration object with the previously set informationlet moat_context = MoatContext::create( config_path, wallet_path, wallet_password, gas_limit, gas_price,)?;
Retrieve Credentials from the Installed Wallet
You can choose to use the same credentials used by the wallet in your Citadel application as well. To get them, you as do as follows.
// Retrieve the keypair from the installed walletlet (psk, ssk) = MoatCore::get_wallet_keypair(&moat_context)?;
Request a License
The user can request a license on-chain. In order to create a transaction including that request, it will be necessary to provide the public key psk_lp
of the LP, doing as follows.
// Submit a request to the Blockchainlet request_hash = MoatCore::request_license( &ssk_user, &psk_lp, &moat_context, &mut OsRng,).await?;
Get Owned Requests
The LP can retrieve all the requests belonging to them (using their secret key ssk_lp
) from the Blockchain, as follows.
// Get owned requestslet requests = MoatCore::get_owned_requests(&ssk_lp, &moat_context).await?;
Issuing a License
After receiving a request, the LP can issue a license for that given request. First, it is required to set the attribute data as follows.
// Set attribute data to, for instance, 1234let attr_data = JubJubScalar::from(1234u64);
The LP can now create a transaction which will issue a license, as follows.
// Issue a licenselet rng = &mut OsRng;let license_hash = MoatCore::issue_license( requests.get(0).expect("A request was owned."), &ssk_lp, &moat_context, &attr_data, rng,).await?;
Get Owned Licenses
The user can use their secret key to list the owned licenses, as follows.
let licenses = MoatCore::get_owned_licenses(&ssk_user, &moat_context).await?;
Use a License
To use a license, the user first needs to set the challenge value c
, which allows to use the license under certain conditions specified by the SP. It can be done as follows.
// Set challenge to, for instance, 1234let challenge = JubJubScalar::from(1234u64);
The user can now create a transaction using a given license, providing the public key psk_sp
of the SP. In this step, a session will be created in the contract’s state, and a session cookie will be provided in the process.
let session_cookie = MoatCore::use_license( &moat_context, &psk_lp, &psk_sp, &ssk_user, &challenge, licenses.get(0).expect("A license was owned."), rng,).await?.expect("session cookie has been obtained");
Verify a Session Cookie
The SP can verify if a given session cookie is correct. Upon success, it will mean that the requested service in such process shall be granted. It can be done as follows.
if MoatCore::verify_requested_service( &moat_context, &psk_lp, &psk_sp, &session_cookie,).await?{ println!("Session Cookie was correct, service should be granted.");} else { println!("Session Cookie was not correct, service must be denied.");}
Additionally, the SP should verify the challenge used by the user, as follows.
if session_cookie.c == challenge { // grant service}