W3sper SDK
The W3sper SDK (/ˈwɛs.pər/) is a comprehensive toolkit of modules designed to facilitate the development of applications that interact seamlessly with the Dusk network. W3sper ensures secure, flexible interactions directly within the user’s environment, eliminating the need for installations.
It empowers developers to deploy not just smart contracts but also the complete user experience, including custom UIs for transaction generation and contract interaction. W3sper allows developers to obtain a rich expressiveness and a standard way to define the client UX.
The W3sper SDK includes the following core features:
- Address & Account Management: easily generate and manage user profiles and addresses, streamlining user onboarding and identity management.
- Balance and Transaction Management: check balances, create signed transactions, and manage gas effectively.
- Event Subscription: stay up-to-date with network events and access blockchain data in real-time.
- Proof Management: generate and delegate Zero Knowledge proofs.
The W3sper SDK is making use of WASM, and it is a JavaScript-based SDK designed for web applications, allowing for seamless integration with browser-based DApps:
Loading a WASM
If getLocalWasmBuffer()
is not specified, W3sper will automatically download the WebAssembly (wallet-core.wasm
) from the default remote source.
import { Network, useAsProtocolDriver } from "@dusk/w3sper";
// Connects to the default network (automatically fetching Wasm)const network = await Network.connect("https://nodes.dusk.network");
// W3sper will fetch `wallet-core.wasm` from the appropriate sourceawait useAsProtocolDriver();
The WASM file can be fetched from:
- Mainnet: https://nodes.dusk.network/static/drivers/wallet-core.wasm
- Testnet: https://testnet.nodes.dusk.network/static/drivers/wallet-core.wasm
- Localhost:
This implies that while getLocalWasmBuffer()
is needed for local execution, it’s not required for online transactions.
The below function loads the wallet_core.wasm file:
const WASM_RELEASE_PATH = "../../bin/wallet_core.wasm";
export function getLocalWasmBuffer() { if (typeof Deno !== "undefined") { return Deno.readFile(WASM_RELEASE_PATH); } return Promise.reject("Can't access file system");}
Load the protocol driver
Some examples depend on ProfileGenerator
, which requires the protocol driver. If it’s not loaded, you’ll get the error:
no protocol driver loaded yet. call 'load' first.
By wrapping the logic inside useAsProtocolDriver()
, you can ensure that the protocol driver stays in memory while profiles are being generated:
import { useAsProtocolDriver } from "@dusk/w3sper";
await useAsProtocolDriver(await getLocalWasmBuffer()).then(async () => { const profiles = new ProfileGenerator(seeder); const defaultProfile = await profiles.default; console.log(defaultProfile.account.toString());});
This ensures ProfileGenerator
only runs when the protocol driver is available, preventing premature cleanup that would unload the WASM before profile generation is complete.
Ensure that the seeder is correctly used
The seeder is defined as an async
function that returns a Uint8Array
. This means that you need to make sure to pass the resolved seed to ProfileGenerator
const seed = await seeder();const profiles = new ProfileGenerator(seed);
Generate a profile using a BIP39 generated seed
This code can be run in an offline environment
Step 1: Install BIP39 library
npm install bip39
Step 2: Use BIP39 library to generate a 64 bit seed, then use this seed to generate a profile and output the default address and account
import bip39 from "bip39";import { ProfileGenerator } from "@dusk/w3sper";
// Generate a random mnemonic (uses crypto.randomBytes under the hood), defaults to 128-bits of entropy, then split this into an array of strings.const mnemonic = bip39.generateMnemonic();
// Generate 64 byte seed from the mnemonicconst seeder = async () => Uint8Array.from(bip39.mnemonicToSeedSync(mnemonic));
// Instantiate ProfileGeneratorconst profiles = new ProfileGenerator(seeder);
// Get the default profileconst defaultProfile = await profiles.default;
// Output the first generated (default) profile account as a stringconsole.log(defaultProfile.account.toString());
// You could write the output to a file or into storage depending on your needs.
Create transaction
This code can be run in an offline environment
import { Network, Transfer } from "@dusk/w3sper";
const amount = 77n; // Example (arbitrary) amountconst to = "oCqYsUMRqpRn2kSabH52Gt6FQCwH5JXj5MtRdYVtjMSJ73AFvdbPf98p3gz98fQwNy9ZBiDem6m9BivzURKFSKLYWP3N9JahSPZs9PnZ996P18rTGAjQTNFsxtbrKx79yWu"; // Example public keyconst nonce = 22n // Example (arbitrary) nonceconst gas = { limit: 500_000_000n }; // Example (sensible) gas limit
const transfer = new Transfer(defaultProfile) // defaultProfile can be the same as we generated earlier .amount(amount) .to(to) .nonce(nonce) .chain(Network.LOCALNET) .gas(gas) .build();
// Output the transfer as a stringconsole.log(transfer.toString()); // "[object Object]"
// You could write the transfer object to a file or into storage depending on your needs.
Execute transaction
This code needs to be run in an internet connected environment
import { Network, Transfer } from "@dusk/w3sper";
// Connect to a node (using the Dusk mainnet load balanced URL for this example, but it could be any valid node)const network = await Network.connect("https://testnet.nodes.dusk.network/");
// We will use the transfer object we created above. In a real-world application you would need to retrieve this from a file or out of storage...
// Execute the transaction, propagating to the networkconst { hash } = await network.execute(transfer);
// Wait for the response from the network with the hash of the transaction we just executedconst evt = await network.transactions.withId(hash).once.executed();
// Get the gas paid for the transactionconst gasPaid = evt.gasPaid;
// Output the transaction hashconsole.log({ hash });
// Output the gas paid (value in lux)console.log({ gasPaid });
Get a balance
This code needs to be run in an internet connected environment
import { AccountSyncer, Network } from "@dusk/w3sper";
// We're using the network here to get the balance of a public keyconst network = await Network.connect("https://testnet.nodes.dusk.network");
// Example public keyconst publicKey = "ocXXBAafr7xFqQTpC1vfdSYdHMXerbPCED2apyUVpLjkuycsizDxwA6b9D7UW91kG58PFKqm9U9NmY9VSwufUFL5rVRSnFSYxbiKK658TF6XjHsHGBzavFJcxAzjjBRM4eF";
// Get the balance of public key.const [balance] = await new AccountSyncer(network).balances([publicKey]);
// Disconnect from the network now that we have a balanceawait network.disconnect();
// Output the balance object (`{ nonce: <BigInt>, value: <BigInt> }`)console.log(balance);
Get transaction details
This code needs to be run in an internet connected environment
import { Network } from "@dusk/w3sper";
const network = await Network.connect("https://testnet.nodes.dusk.network");const TX_ID = "f8bbede502df102d1d3208297193654386fe0c5c66a969234320bbb0d646905a"; // Replace with the transaction ID you want to look up.const query = `tx(hash: "${TX_ID}") { tx { id gasLimit gasPrice txType callData { contractId fnName data } isDeploy memo } err gasSpent blockHash blockHeight blockTimestamp id raw }`;const transactionInfo = await network.query(query);
await network.disconnect();
Get network block height
This code needs to be run in an internet connected environment
import { Network } from "@dusk/w3sper";
const network = await Network.connect("https://testnet.nodes.dusk.network");const blockHeight = await network.blockHeight;
await network.disconnect();
Convert between DUSK and LUX units
This code can be run in an offline environment
import { lux } from "@dusk/w3sper";
// Converting from LUX to DUSK (BigInt to string representation)console.log(lux.formatToDusk(1n)); // "0.000000001"console.log(lux.formatToDusk(1_000_000_000n)); // "1" -> Exactly one DUSKconsole.log(lux.formatToDusk(1_234_567_890_123n)); // "1234.567890123"
// Demonstrating large and fractional conversionsconsole.log(lux.formatToDusk(9_007_199_254_740_993n)); // "9007199.254740993"
// Converting back from DUSK (string to BigInt representation)console.log(lux.parseFromDusk("0.000000001")); // 1nconsole.log(lux.parseFromDusk("1")); // BigInt(1e9)console.log(lux.parseFromDusk("1234.567890123")); // 1_234_567_890_123nconsole.log(lux.parseFromDusk("9007199.254740993")); // 9_007_199_254_740_993n