Arithmetic Circuits allow for zero-knowledge (ZK) operations, and are used e.g., by our genesis contracts for these specific use-cases:
- Phoenix: to spend notes and pay for gas.
- Citadel: to use in the Self-Sovereign Identity implementation.
- Zedger: to use the Zedger transaction model and spent securities.
Developers can write their own ZK circuits as part of their smart contracts, allowing for the proving and verification of zero-knowledge proofs.
Phoenix circuits
Circuits in Phoenix prove that the following conditions hold true:
- Membership: Every note that is about to be spent is included in the Merkle tree of notes.
- Ownership: The sender holds the note secret key for every note that is about to be spent.
- Nullification: The nullifier is calculated correctly.
- Minting: The value commitment for the newly minted notes are computed correctly.
- Balance integrity: The sum of the values of all spent notes is equal to the sum of the values of all minted notes + the gas fee + a deposit, where a deposit refers to funds being transfered to a contract.
For additional information, you can have a look at the circuits and specifications.
Citadel circuits
Circuits in Citadel allow for the following actions: Request Creation and Encryption:
- Stealth Address Generation: A new stealth address is correctly generated using Diffie-Hellman.
- Data Encryption: The license stealth address and an additional key are encrypted using the derived key.
- Session Initialization: Public inputs are used to construct session data (e.g. session ID, session hash, commitments…).
- Verification: Pedersen commitments and hash commitment are calculated and verified.
- Data Decryption: Requested data is decrypted using the derived key.
- Signature Creation: A signature for the license is generated using the license secret key and hash.
- License Data Encryption: The signature and attribute data are encrypted with the public key of the license.
- Proof Generation: A proof of membership in a Merkle tree is created.
- Proof Verification:: Cryptographic commitments are computed and the signature of the session hash is verified.
For additional information, you can have a look at the circuits and specifications.